
The world sometimes forgets their rights.

(From the article out in FabUK Magazine, London, here below)

Raimondo, talking about his project:

“ ‘Accessorize my rights’ is a tribute to women and the accessories they wear, that, over the millenia, dressed souls, hearts and female bodies. At the same time, it’s a tribute to 4 designers, whom I love and hold in high esteem. To showcase the project, I have chosen 5 separate ethnicities, represented by 4 girls. They demonstrate the inner power that every accessory has and always had in every part of the world. China, Bolivia, Thailand, Ivory Coast and Kenya are the five countries I picked to represent this wonderful universe, made by velvet skins and eyes that can tell us stories and traditions. Traditions and emotions that no dictatorships, no politicians, no men should dare to repress. I chose Beatrice, the photographer, for the same reason: a talented soul which went through emotional paths”.


“ When Ray talked about art, fashion, accessories and ethnicities, I fell in love with his project. I shot the pictures making a special and personal connection with every single model. It has been so beautiful to understand each other just with a look, sharing the feelings (no words needed between us) that every woman lives when the body is naked and wrapped by an accessory. I gave a romantic, elegant and artistic mood to this shooting. A shooting that wants to give eternal life to the emotions that every girl has the right and the obligation to live, wherever she is, beyond discriminations, beyond sexist governments. I can say I really wish that they will disappear soon. I’ve always fought against them in my life, and I’ll keep doing it”.

“ Metti un accessorio ai miei diritti “, spiega Raimondo, è un tributo ai diritti delle donne, che, per millenni, ovunque nel mondo, non sono mai state libere di esprimersi e di dar voce alla loro femminilità senza venire giudicate o, comunque, in certo modo controllate. Nello stesso tempo è un tributo a 4 designer che ammiro molto. Per rappresentare questo universo, fatto di pelli vellutate e di occhi che ci raccontano tradizioni, ho scelto 4 ragazze e 5 nazioni: Cina, Bolivia, Costa D’Avorio, Tailandia e Kenya. La loro nudità, vestita di accessori, è un grido di forza e indipendenza, e la loro bellezza, adornata dagli stilisti, è semplice e regale.

(Continua nel magazine, pagine 84 e 85).

"Accessorize my rights" by Raimondo Rossi (Ray Morrison @thestyleresearcher)

Creative director and Styling: Raimondo Rossi.

Photography and Retouching: Beatrice Passeggio.

Hair: Antonio Abagnale.

MUA: Giorgia Stella, MUA assistant: Michela Ricci.


Vania Alejandra Bazan Rivero, Bolivia (and Thailand) for Luciano Fochini Jewellery.

Esther Ngumo, Kenya, for Davide Cristofaro Foulards.

Yuxin Jin, China, for Michele Chiocciolini Bags.

Fatima Toure, Ivory Coast, for Re Dandy Papillons.


Accessorize my soul


Photojournalism for the Los Angeles Fashion Week