"Bomme Studio: your tribe is looking for you"
The cover is today for Bo Matthew Metz, founder and mind of Bomme Studio, one of the best brands and shows seen at the Los Angeles Fashion Week, SS19.He met Raimondo Rossi and they had an amazing talking.Bo is a great person, whit such a strong and positive vibe. What did you want to be when you grew up?I wanted to be a pop star or astronaut. Maybe I can still be both haha…Biggest crush when you were a teen?I think my biggest crush was Keanu Reeves. Ugh I must have watched My Own Private Idaho two dozen times in high school.. Really sort of galvanized my budding horny teenage queerness. But also it was a lot of those queer 90s directors and their muses. Greg Araki and James Duval.. Bruce LaBruce and Tony Ward. Its all sort or wrapped up together in my head now when I try to think back on it.The world is constantly trying to make you something else, is it or has been difficult to be yourself?I am from a small working class town. Most of the men there are steel workers. These were the people we were meant to look up to. But I was never like them and I was always me. I can’t explain how or why but I always knew there was a bigger world out there that was waiting for me. I had to be me, I didn’t know how to be anything else or else maybe I would have stayed home and worked steel too. My life now is beyond the wildest dreams of my baby self.
It’s also easy to get discouraged, and one of the easiest thing to do is give up. But you made it and so good. How?I think everyone feels like quitting sometimes. I like to remind myself that when I am tired to rest but not quit. I do everything for one reason only and that is love. Without love I would have given up a long time ago. This is a business that asks for all that I have to give.What sparked your interest in fashion?It was always there. If I peer back into my earliest memories in the 80s as a young child I can see the leather skirts and the big hair and big leather jackets and the Robert Palmer girls and their makeup. It began there and I don’t know why or how but it has never left.What made you take fashion more seriously and make a career out of it?I was taking myself far to seriously for fashion as a young art student.Fashion has always quickened my pulse but my younger self couldn’t admit that. I thought I had to be a painter or a sculpture and I am both but fashion is what really does it for me. I realized I had to take it more seriously because I was finally honest with myself about how I really felt about it. It was love and I had come out.Analog or digital?I am in love with the intersection of both. I am crazy for digital 3D design and renders but love old fashion 35mm film. I prefer to sew by hand but love the innovations of 3D printing and what technology can bring to the process.

Bo Matthew Metz: intervista by Raimondo Rossi (Ray Morrison @thestyleresearcher)Images courtesy of Alexandra HryshynBo Matthew Metz and his career - BommeStudioSee more on our section: People