The Style Researcher presents the amazing Turkish social media phenomenon Cemre Solmaz. Dilay Seçkin interviewed the influencer for The Style Researcher Magazine.

What stage of life are you in right now? How is everything going for you?

My life is very busy right now, but also very enjoyable. I try to make time for my personal life as well as my business life.

There have been good developments regarding your career, especially recently. What kind of success plan did you have in mind when you first entered the sector, and when you look back now, where do you see yourself in this project?

When I first entered the industry, I didn’t have a big dream, I just wanted to share fun topics with people who love me and create a community for them. Now, I’m happy to have developed a large following and to have progressed in my career by collaborating with brands.

How does your story start, if we go back a bit?

Actually, my story started a bit by accident. I can officially say that my life changed with the application I downloaded when I was a student. As time went by, I shared both entertainment, fashion and beauty topics and my number of followers increased.

What have been your strengths in discovering yourself or charting your own path? Who was your biggest supporter along the way?

I’ve always been curious and a researcher to discover myself.
My biggest supporters on my way were my family, my followers and my manager Haluk Arslantaş who was always there for me.

How do you explain the concept of influencer marketing? Sometimes a tweet, a video or a post can bring millions to life. What dimension do you think this concept has added to marketing processes with the inevitable rise of digital?

Influencer marketing has a very important place in the marketing strategies of the digital age. A campaign prepared with the right strategies can bring great success to brands.

What kind of different characteristics should supporters of social media phenomena have?

First of all, social media phenomena need to be creative and sincere people who inspire their followers. They also need to think about their followers when collaborating with brands on their content.

There’s a debate that the life that influencers reflect to their followers on social media is real or not. What do you think about this issue?

The life that influencers reflect to their followers on social media may not be real, every influencer’s life is different and everyone has their own problems, difficulties and troubles. Social media accounts can be different depending on the way people prove themselves. However, more information is needed on social media to make people sure what happens in real life. I always try to reflect my true and honest self, but the debate of whether the life of influencers is real or not cannot be answered with a certain “yes” or “no”. However, it’s important for influencers to share both the good and the hard sides of their lives so that followers don’t get a false idea of what goes on in real life.

What do you look for when styling a project?

When styling a project, first of all, it’s about the purpose of the project. And I try to determine a style that suits the target audience. I also consider fashion trends and my own style as a priority.

Who are your favorite Turkish and foreign designers?

Among Turkish designers, I really like Zeynep Tosun and Hakan Yıldırım. Among foreign designers, Alexander Wang and Miuccia Prada are my favorites.

What does fame mean to you?

Fame; finding the opportunity to reach many people while doing my job, at the same time because I love ‘love’ so much, to love and be loved… The more new people I meet in my life, the happier I am, and the concept of ‘fame’ creates that opportunity for me.

I see that you are on good terms with your social media followers. You have a distant, approachable and gentle style. What do you think is the limit there?

There isn’t a certain limit between me and my social media followers, but I take care not to share some details about my private life.

You are very fit and beautiful. Do you have any special care secrets apart from your genetic code?

I can say that a healthy diet and making sport a priority in my life are my beauty secrets. Also, I think it’s because of my mother’s beautiful genes… Thank you mom.

What do you think about modern aesthetic perception and today’s beauty standards?

Modern aesthetic perception and today’s beauty standards can always change, but the most important thing for me is to feel good. It’s the same for everyone. Everyone should act in the style that makes them feel happier and better. If I hadn’t been afraid, there were some procedures I would have considered, but I think with time I accepted myself and I’m happy now. Trust me, I have no idea what I’m going to do in the future…

Well, do you follow fashion and how would you describe your style?

I like to follow fashion and my style is modern, minimal. I can describe it as a casual style. I like to create my own style by combining different pieces and I care about comfort in this style. Of course, where I go can also influence my style. If I have the opportunity to wear an outfit in a style I haven’t tried before, I will definitely try it.

How often do you do sports?

Sport is an important part of my life. In fact, it’s something I have to do constantly to feel good and stay healthy, I’m aware of that, but unfortunately I can only do it when I have enough time.

What excites you the most? In which situation do you feel more motivated towards life?

I am most excited about new projects, discoveries and travel. Seeing new places and getting to know different cultures motivates me.

Everyone defines love in their own way, I’d like you to tell me the definition of love for you?

Love means respect, understanding, sharing and of course having fun. It’s very important for me to have a relationship based on mutual trust and respect, where I can have fun and enjoy life.

What is your definition of an ideal relationship?

My definition of an ideal relationship is mutual respect, understanding and love. It’s important for me to support each other in a relationship and be beneficial in every way. At the same time, we should be able to live our personal lives and enjoy everything we do together without forgetting that we’re individuals…

How do you like to spend a day that you’re not busy and you’ve set aside for yourself?

I usually like to spend a day at home for myself. I spend hours with my loved ones, staying in touch and spending a minimum of time on the phone. And live the moment.

What are the titles of your philosophy of life?

My philosophy of life is based on ‘’love, respect and understanding’’. I always try to keep these values in the forefront of my life. And empathy is a feeling that dominates me. I always think about how the other person will feel more than me. I hate to break hearts. That’s why I don’t like to leave without putting a smile on the face of the person in front of me.

I’d like you to write a note to yourself when you read this interview in the future…

Note to myself: ‘’Remember that life is short and every moment is precious. Live each day to the fullest and spend time with your loved ones. I also want to have a child, so one day when I become a mother, I’d like to give my child a note in case he/she wonders about my background and researches me… I love you baby. I hope I’ve been successful enough to give you the life you want, please love to live and enjoy every moment.

MAKE-UP: ANGIE @angieselii & LINA ÖZGENÇ @linakk
LOCATION: THE ELYSIUM TAKSİM @theelysiumtaksimhotel

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