March 15th,2022

In this erawhere people can lounge on a jet headed to the moon, how do we reconcile theneed to do what is right for us with the super modernization of our digitalizedand fast paced lives. The need to stand out has never been this strong as it istoday. Everyone thinks of themselves as a star on their social media. The thinline between reality and fantasy erodes into every sector and has found its wayinto medicine. The current trend to find one’s voice is what prompted us tointerview Dr. Rommel  Asagwara, known tohis patients as Dr. Rommel, to gain some insight on how he connects medicine tobeauty . He glams and gives a voice to his patients who sometimes feel likethere is something missing from their life that is holding them back.

The need tostay healthier using lifestyle changes to induce a weight loss is of paramountimportance at Dream Weight Botox Clinic.

Hello Dr. Rommel. Welcome to The Style Researcher Magazine. Can you begin by telling us about your background?

It’s anhonor for you to interview me on your magazine. I was born in Lagos Nigeria, acountry I cherish for instilling the solid foundation on which I stand on todaywith regards to respect, morals and hard work. I grew up in a loving, dynamicand healthy family of 5 children, raised by my single mother of blessed memory.All my childhood memories bring joy and a feeling of love which I share amongmy 4 siblings.

My life hasbeen spectacular and exciting having lived in 3 different continents.

After mychildhood in Nigeria, I moved on to France as a teenager forma studies where Iwas able to fully immerse myself in the culture and love for beauty. Myattention to details comes from that French j”e ne sais quoi” FLAIR.

Was there a time you decided to become a doctor and what made you choose that path?

Thedecision was an easy and early one for me. As I don’t even remember evercontemplating any another profession. I loved medicine, loved its complexityand the amount of grit one has to have to become a physician. As a child, Ibecame fascinated by the complexity of some medical words, that I tried to memorize.  I would glance at my elder sister’s medicalbooks whenever I was fortunate to lay my hands on them, when she wasn’tstudying. In a way, my sister who was the first physician of my immediatefamily, played a huge role in my desire to become a physician. If I could do itall over again, I would still be a physician.

What is it about being a physician that inspires you?

I get myinspiration from my patients. I am fortunate enough to know and listen to them,grow with them and observe the joy in their eyes when a part of their healthimproves from losing weight . I notice the extra confidence they gain aftertheir cosmetic procedures which comes in different forms. The interactions withmy patients are genuine, one devoid of judgement and that inspires me everydayto give them my very best. I can’t think of any other profession that allows meinto the lives of people in such a trusting manner.

What was your journey like from start to finish in your medical training?

Overall itsbeen a beautiful journey. Nonetheless, I have had to jump though so many hoopsand sometimes felt stuck in some challenging situations. Looking back, it’sbeen an amazing roller coaster for me. I couldn’t take out any part of thepuzzle as all the experiences I got all shaped me.

Living as ateenager in France, Ihad to grow up very quickly. that gave me the force ofcharacter that some call my determination. I knew that I could succeed if I notonly showed up but put my best into everything. The yearn to shape my destinyand get to my goals were stronger than any obstacles I ever faced.  I went through the hurdles of learning andmastering French in order to get my degree in french which was a prerequisitefor me alongside my high school grades, to be accepted into the French MedicalUniversity System.

I amgrateful for the love and support from my family, friends, professors and hostfamily in France. Those things were crucial in keeping me focused.

Theconstant growth I experienced as a medical student and later on as a physician intraining during my residency as a general physician first in Paris then in theUSA has been fulfilling.

How was living in Paris for you?

The famousquote “see Paris and die”, is true depending on what parts of the city,circumstances and the culture one is surrounded with.

I wasfortunate enough to be surrounded by amazing people who were passionate abouttheir culture, beauty and lifestyle.

Idefinitely get my attention to details from that amazing Parisian and Frenchexperience where I lived for more than a decade.

Is the new trend medical or surgical for weight loss?

As itconcerns weight loss medical procedures trump surgical as first line to mostpatients because they are less invasive, require no downtime and teach patientshow to live a healthier life. This in turn helps reduce cardiovascularconditions like high blood pressure, elevated cholesterol,pre-diabetes/diabetes, obstructive sleep apnea, joint pain from arthritis, somehormonal dependent cancers and other health conditions related to weight gain.

The key toa successful weight loss is consistency where the patient is included in theplan made at the visit which then turns into a lifestyle for them.

In somecases surgical treatment may be warranted from the get go if the health conditionsfrom weight gain are a serious threat to the overall health of the patient.Nonetheless, to maintain an effective surgical outcome, lifestyle changes whichis the core component of medical weight loss will be required and sometimesthat is coupled with medications that target different pathways in the weightgain alongside some medications.

Are cosmetic procedures common with a certain group of people?

Cosmetic oraesthetic medicine is accessible to all. The new trend we see are themillennials who come in asking for “baby botox”. This term was coined forpreventative botox which is scientifically backed by newer research that showsthe advantages of getting such treatment early to prevent premature appearanceof wrinkles that sometimes happen with excessive sun exposure, poor hydrationor genetically induced.

The worldof dermal fillers is following the same trend where we use medical fillers toenhance the lips, chin, jawline, raise and contour the cheeks, and also removefine lines etc.

Our patientsbelong to all strata of the society as these procedures not only enhance one’slook but add value in ways that encourages productivity, reinforces self loveand self confidence. These key elements can propel an individual in ways thatcould enhance their personal and professional lives.

What is the most frequently asked question concerning cosmetic medical procedures?

Thequestion I get the most is “doctor, will I look different”. This question comesfrom the media’s depiction of cosmetic medical procedures  as being over the top. Only the extravagantand sometimes extreme makeovers are topics that trend or get shown because oftheir selling power to create sensationalism. However, a majority of ourpatients do not want those extreme look. They often ask for a natural or softerappearance and sometimes ask for some areas to be better defined or contoured.

What advice can you give people against cosmetic medical procedures?

I am astrong believer in autonomy where people can choose what’s right for them aslong as it doesn’t affect others nor create a distortion to the structure oftheir society.

Just likebody shaming, we have to be mindful and respect the need for choice. What maywork for one may not work for the other. So live and let’s live. It is okay notto want any procedures just as much as it is okay to proceed and not get bodyshamed.

As aphysician, I educate my patients on the need to be authentic about who they areand why they seek any enhancement, first for themselves, before trying toplease or convince friends, family or strangers that the choices they have madeare the right ones for them.

What healthy tips do you have for our readers and the general public?

Findingoneself and doing what’s right for you is key in being authentic and beinghappier. Medical weight loss and beauty through cosmetic medicine are one ofthe several tools we have in keeping patients healthier. They not only bringhealthier life choices because of the highlight they place on self care, andself love which release neurotransmitters in the brain that stimulatesfulfillment, joy and cuts down on stress, they could also empower people totake all the right steps in their personal and professional lives.

The beauty I see as a physician comes when a patient glows because they feel they were a part of a process that empowers them, be it through weight loss or through body enhancements like cool sculpting and facial enhancements with botox or dermal fillers. The ultimate goal is a better quality of life as we get healthier and see the true connection that our mind has with both the side and outside reflection of our body from a  medical standpoint. Looking good has never been this healthy, are you willing to find whatever it is that makes you unique and live unapologetically?

Stylist & Creative Director: Stefan Cole @fashionwidower

Doctor @dreamweightbotoxclinic

Wardrobe @theivyshowroom

Photographer @royaleyez

Assistant Stylist @mwabistyles

Muse @therealbrianacamille (the cover page and last two photos)

Photographer @sterlingpics (the cover page and last two photos)

MUA @artistryrebirth (the cover page and last two photos)

Hair stylist @iamdeangeloyglenn (the cover page and last two photos )

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