Elena Muhacir was born in a large, intelligent family in a small southern town of Russia. Her father was a lawyer and dreamed that his daughter would continue the family business. Elena received a law degree but didn't follow her father's path. Instead, she began working as a model.

Elena moved from Russia to Turkey, where she continued her modeling career and was leading jewelry brands' face. There, Elena fell in love with jewelry, became interested in it, and began to study gems and jewelry design. In 2006 she left the modeling business for jewelry. Then, in 2019, she created her brand "Elena Muhacir" and the first jewelry collection "Jewelry with Purpose", which quickly became famous all over the world! Elena began to get published by the leading magazines of Russia, Turkey, Ukraine, America, China, invited to television. Her customer base is staggering! These are sports and showbiz stars, generals, ministers, presidents…
In 2021, Elena received the "Best Jewelry Designer in Turkey 2021" award. In addition, she is invited to the jury of world-class beauty contests and acts as a speaker in various personal growth clubs. Elena is also actively involved in social life and charity. She is the Chairman of the Council of the International Foundation "Woman of the Year" and the President of Innovation "ATIK", an association of businessmen from sixty countries. Elena is also a member of the Council of Foreigners under the city administration. Here is such an exciting story about Cinderella, who created her fairy tale with her own hands and achieved success in a foreign country!

Hello Elena and welcome to The Style Researcher. We love you and your jewelry collection “Jewelry with Purpose”! What is the secret to the success of this collection?
Hello and thank you for your beautiful words. It is a pleasure to do this interview for your magazine. I work individually with each client. I have been studying and practicing ancient Eastern metaphysics for more than twenty years and using this knowledge for jewelry creation. I have studied the colors and shapes of the elements of the earth and select favorable elements for each person per his goals and desires. Jewelry turns out to be unique, as if they are alive, with a soul! Customers feel this. They don't want to part with their jewelry, even if it's necessary to make a size or repair! I am delighted with this!

How does the creation of jewelry begin?
The client sends me the date of birth and the name of his hometown. I am analyzing the date according to the ancient BAZI system. It's over a thousand years old. Then there is a two-hour online consultation, as I work with clients worldwide. After consultation, we decide which elements we will artificially introduce into the jewelry, choose natural stones, color, cut shape, and model. Everything is thought out, and every little thing is important for the result. My nephew Mikhail helps me work with Italian clients, being my representative. He lives in Italy and helps with translation and communication with clients.

What result are you accomplishing?
I create energetic jewelry that help their owners to be in a resourcefulstate and at high vibrations. And as you know, all diseases, problems, andmisfortunes live on low vibrations. So people need to keep track of theirchronic emotional tone. It should stay positive. Deeply studying the energies,I concluded that what a person wears in the heart chakra area and on whichfinger he wears his rings is very important. After all, each finger isresponsible for different meridians. So incorrectly chosen color, stone, andshape of jewelry can cause a bad mood, negatively affect health and other vitalareas of life.
What areas of life can be influenced by energy jewelry?
Health, children, creation, love, money, and career can be affected.

Have you had any difficulties with creating the collection?
The first difficulty is that I had to apply the hieroglyphs of favorableelements with a laser inside the jewelry, and in Turkey, there are no lasersprogrammed with them. I found a solution, and now each hieroglyph is manuallyentered by a graphic designer. The second difficulty is the specifics ofworking with natural stones. After all, they have different colors, shapes, andqualities. You have to look for stones, choose the best ones. It takes time forsuch things as sets or necklaces. It's done by professional gemologists, wealways necessarily check the stones for naturalness and certify them, or wealready purchase stones with laboratory gemological certificates.
What would you NOT advise our readers to wear from an energetic point of view?
The synthetic stones. Their chemical form is identical to natural stones, but instead of accumulating the earth's energy for a million years and then giving it to people, the synthetic stone immediately goes to a person from the laboratory, and it starts accumulating the energy of its owner. So, therefore, these stones are energy vampires.

What do you want to convey to people through your collection? What's your message?
"Everything is in your hands."
"You are the author of your life."
Even if you have a "bad" natal chart, you can use a compensatory approach to bring yourself to the desired result! And as an additional bonus: during the day, when you look at your ring, created especially for you and according to your tasks and goals, new neural connections are formed in your brain. So you know that your goals are getting closer every day, and you are in the resource to implement them! No affirmation works so productively.

What global Brands inspire you and are your benchmark?
I seek to the level of GRAFF. It was a brand that introduced into fashion and taught to appreciate colored gems, focused on colored diamonds and rare natural stones. I love their sophisticated, classic style! I hope that my brand will achieve the same popularity and earn people's trust all over the world!
Thanks a lot Elena. It has been a pleasure to get to know you better. Our biggest congratulations for you and your work.
Thank you guys. It has been a pleasure for me too.
P.S. The "ELENA MUHACIR" brand has already reached the level when it's not selling, but people are buying from it! Elena has a queue for jewelry creation. Sometimes you have to wait about two months to get a consultation from her, and only after that begins the development of a jewelry sketch. Also, Elena selects a favorable date to start the manufacture in the workshop. Yes, creating such jewelry is not easy and not fast. It's the first time I've met a brand that works so individually! Everything is shrouded in an aura of mystery and magic! Just like in the Cinderella fairy tale!

Photographer - @viktoria.malina Viktoriia Dogdu
Mua and Earrings “Whitepearl” Antalya
Model Elena Muhacir @elenamuhacir
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