Ildiko Sopronfalvi photographs Nicole Nyisztor for The Style Researcher Magazine, presenting the beautiful work of the fashion designer Magdolna Veronika.

"These pictures were taken in Hungary, in Budapest in Várkert Bazár. This is a neo-renaissance-style building complex in the castle district. The clothes suit the glazed tiles that's why we chose this location with Magdolna Veronika together for our photo shooting. It was a hot day in May 2021 and a lot of tourists on the way".

Photographer: Ildiko Sopronfalvi
IG: foto_by_ildiko
Fashion Designer: Magdolna Veronika
IG: magdolnaveronikahautecouture
Makeup Artist: Izabella Szabo
IG: luxe_by_isabell
Model: Nicole Nyisztor
IG: n.i.c.o.l.e.ny
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