We had the pleasure to meet model Ivan Caci and we loved his work. Today we highlight his editorial "A New Take On Fashion" shot by photographer Aaron Kinney.

"Fashion is always fun and interesting. It is that particular branch from the art that allows self-expression to come to its point. Always influenced and subject to different focuses, the changing fashion trends are what keep it afloat and always different. As one of the biggest industries in the world, fashion has always provided for its demanding customers and audience. But, today, the look on fashion, in general, has shifted a bit.
Trends, freedom of choice, and sustainability are three big parts that can easily define modern-day fashion. These are exactly what the inspiration behind this story is. In terms of trends, the color is always fun and interesting, making each look more appealing and original. Each new year comes with a new color that is set to rule the fashion world. Thinking fast forward, the Digital Lavender as the color of 2023 is the hue in focus. From the garment choices of the outfit to the look-a-like hair, the overall monochromatic look is sending the message that trends are shaping the story.

The second aspect is the freedom of choice. Fashion is available for everyone. Its form is free to anyone willing to self-express and show their vision. With the accentuated diversity and inclusivity, fashion choices are to be celebrated. There is no right or wrong in fashion, the fashion rules do not exist anymore. Everyone creates their fashion choices as they go, dress up as they like.
The last but not least important part is sustainability. The fashion industry as one of the biggest polluters of the environment is slowly shifting towards sustainable and clean production and products. With sustainable and ethical practices, the clothes gain a new value and meaning. Additionally, if they are custom-made, they will serve their purpose for a long time.

Fashion is inspiring. It inspires people to think outside of the box, to be bold in their fashion choice, and dress as they feel. The originality comes within each and every one of us. Color and sustainability are the driving forces into creating one new fashion world".

Hair & Makeup: Rosario Mannella
IG: rosario_mannella
Photographer: Aaron Kinney
IG: ak.in.ny
WB: aaronkinney.com
Fashion Designer: House Of Saint Vegan
IG: houseofsaintvegan
FB: https://www.facebook.com/House Of Saint Vegan
WB: http://www.houseofsaintvegan.com
TW: https://twitter.com/House Of Saint Vegan
Male Model: Ivan Caci
IG: itsivanhunty
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