This month we have a fabulous Cover story: „Keloni“, the editorial created by Mandell Elm and Keloni. We are delighted to present their words and their art with our readers.

“Photography is a new venture for me; however, I have always been enamored with artistry and the creative process. I began shooting photography in January of 2021 after being on bed rest for three months from a broken ankle. I developed a newfound appreciation for my surroundings since I did not have many opportunities to leave the house. Ambient Awareness is the name I chose to go with as it is a play on words relating to a feature that some headphones have that allows you to listen to your music while simultaneously hearing your surroundings. I want my photography to allow people to see my images while simultaneously experiencing culture, relevance, and creativity”. Mandell Elm

“When I think about myself…I don’t look at myself as a model, I look at myself as an artist. A lot of people think that black can’t be beautiful, and that’s an issue. I feel like it’s my job to show the world that black is beautiful, especially the women. Not saying that any other color is less worthy but I must put on for my people”. Keloni

Photographer/Retoucher: Mandell Elm
IG: ambient_awareness

Model: Keloni
IG: kelonitheartist

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Issue 24