The Style Researcher presents Olga Kalemci, mom of 4 children, who became a successful stylist in Turkey. Olga Kalemci graced the cover of our issue 25.

"For me to be stylish is to be myself. My image is all to the last stroke of the details that I love. My appearance is fully consistent with my inner world. My style is in me, and fashion and trends are the little things that sometimes resonate in my clothes".

Photographer: Irina Caro
Makeup Artist/Hair Stylist: Tanya Justa
Wardrobe Stylist: Liza Logvina
IG: lizalogvina
FB: https://www.facebook.com/elizaveta.logvina
Wardrobe Stylist: Olga Kalemci
IG: olgakalemci
Wardrobe Stylist: Olga Kalemci
IG: olgakalemci
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