"Hi! I'm Rebekah Graf. I'm an actress, originally from Texas and now based in Los Angeles. I'm the third out of four (all girl) siblings, and can almost always be found with a book in one hand and a puppy in the other".

Hello Rebekah and welcome to The Style Researcher. We love you and your style, tell us about your biggest inspiration when you were a baby/teenager.
Hi! So honored, thank you! Growing up, my biggest inspiration was definitely the classic actresses of Hollywood's golden era. We watched more classic films as kids than typical children's movies. The glamour, drama, largeness of life and the over-the-top beauty and storylines absolutely had me hooked. I knew that I wanted to be a part of the magic that I was looking at. I wanted to create and tell stories in any way that I could.

Tell us aboutyour relationship with clothes. What style do you love most? And designers? Ifthere are any?
I absolutely love fashion, and I believe that there is a time and place for everything. Nothing is too much if you love it. I firmly believe that every single thing you do in life is art. The way you walk, the way you love, the way you dress, and the stories and setting that you create with the materials you dress yourself with....all part of your art that you are giving to the world. As a little girl, I used to be mesmerized with my Grandmother's style. She wore loud pieces. Hats, animal prints, costume jewelry, big hair....she shied away from nothing. She wore what made her happy and would insist that pieces were in fashion, everyone just didn't know it yet. So much of the way that she dressed, handled herself and even decorated her home instilled a courage and a freedom in me to stay bold and completely authentic to myself. My friends will laugh and joke that I am verging on a parody of myself when I show up to afternoon cocktails in high-heeled boots, a vintage denim jumpsuit and a cowboy hat, but I know myself and I just know what feels right on my body. I am a huge fan of vintage fashion, specifically 1960's and 1970's. Absolutely no one did glamorous cocktail dresses like Halston, no one does gorgeous feminine pieces like Dior. I have pieces from smaller designers such as my absolute favorite sunglasses from Francois Pinton (the same frame that he designed for Grace Kelly), Rouje, Isabel Marant, Iro, BA&SH. My style tends to fall somewhere between French and Texan....which is odd, but works for me.

Fame, love,or both?
Absolutely always and only love. At the end of everything, only love will remain.

In whatcountry would you love to go often? Do you love to change destinations or doyou have some places where your heart feels at home and you love to staymore?
I am quite a homebody, but that's really because I am so specific about the people that I like to give my time to. I enjoy being around my family as much as possible, so home in Texas is my absolute favorite place. That being said, I truly love a big city, especially one filled with history. New York, Paris and London never get old to me. I walk around, day after day, gazing at each building and wondering the story behind it. I've spent quite a bit of time in Europe and always felt very at home. I can't believe that I've yet to visit Spain. Thats definitely at the top of my list.

We knowyou’re having already an amazing career, but any nee goals for thefuture?
Oh, well thank you! And yes, so so many goals. There is so much more I have to give. I would love to help create a character that could be nuanced and developed over a few years. It would be such an honor to be a part of a story that helped empower women, especially young girls. And I would love to have a powerful enough voice to help other's tell their own stories.

Sillyquestion, do you have secrets? Mystery is charming, and we love it.
Oh I am a verrrryyyy private person. I don't alway mean to be, but I keep what I hold dear very close. As cheesy as it sounds, I very consciously try to live every day while treating others the way I would like to be treated, and that way is with respect. When someone tells me a secret, they know that it will never see the light of day because I would never break someone's trust that they've placed in me. I've heard that I can be slow to warm up to people, and slow to get to know. I think that's because I don't reveal all of my cards at once. If you want to know me, you have to spend the time. I prefer to show instead of tell :)

Female Model: Rebekah Graf @Matt Sherman Management
IG: rebekahgraf
Photographer: Lil Safonova
IG: lilsafonovaofficial
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