By Claudia Gonzalez
There is no force strong enough to break away It Girl Sophia Russo from establishing the seeds and working up towards building her empire. As Sophia continues to make waves in this industry, she continuously proves that dreaming big and aiming high is the only way to go. From model to entrepreneur, It Girl Sophia Russo is a rising star who is stepping into the next level of success.

Beauty and fashion remain at the core of Sophia’spassions. As she pursued modeling at an early age, Sophia grew up being unsureof where she fit in the modeling world. In a world that continuously puts womenin molds, the only thing that stopped Sophia from taking a leap towards herdestined future was the insecurity that came with what others would perceiveher. Not long after attending college, Sophia knew that her future haddifferent plans for her and decided to put a pause on that to pursue herpassions. But in true Sophia style, she never gave up and after a year and ahalf she attended Stockton University where she completed her bachelor’sdegree.

Now as an LA boss-babe, Sophia has quickly garnered atrusted and supportive following base that continues to root for her throughouther endeavors. Taking a leap and making the move to Los Angeles was thedecision that ultimately changed the trajectory of her career as she wasexposed to a wide network of influencers that have inspired her to continuegrowing. It was this very leap of faith that made Sophia uncertain about herfuture, but with her dedication and passion for her work, she has skyrocketedher way through.
In a city that holds dreams of many, Sophia has beenable to grow her social media by surrounding herself with other like-mindedinfluencers and being constantly inspired by those around her. “I grew up in asmall town in New Jersey and I didn’t have the confidence back then to eventhink about modeling but I just thought I didn't have anything to lose and I amso thankful that I decided to take a risk and just go for it,” she says.

Sophia hopes to inspire others who have been in hershoes to never give up on yourself, and that hitting a low point is normallywhat propels you to become the best version of yourself. “It's about navigatingthe hardships that come along but you just have to focus and not steer away fromyour goals,” says Sophia. “A lot of the time your hardships are blessings indisguise because that's how you learn; it builds character as well and buildsyou towards the higher versions of yourself.”
As Sophia’s platform continues to grow, she thinksback on those who inspired her to lead this path. With that growth, comes aresponsibility that Sophia doesn’t take lightly as she’s working towardsgetting involved in multiple organizations such as Save the Children, Feed theChildren, Compassion International, and Children Defense Fund. As an advocatefor women empowerment, Sophia pushes for body positivity and self-confidence.“Times are changing, and I want to keep pushing that as much as I can,” saysSophia.
In true boss babe style, Sophia Russo hopes to use her platform to establish her involvement in the fashion industry a bit more by creating her own line of women's accessories and lingerie. With Sophia’s drive and motivation, there is no doubt that she will achieve every dream she seeks out.

Photographer: Malik Daniels @mdanielsphoto
Stylist: Sophia Russo @sophmrusso
MUA: Nathaly Muralles @makeupbynathalyxo
Hair: Ashton Allen @nappyphresh
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