We have the pleasure to meet Tim Brown after he graced the cover of the Pride issue of The Style Researcher Magazine. We are very happy he shared here with us his inspirational words.

“InThe Style Researcher Magazine’s June 2021 Pride issue, I shared some deep,personal stories about my childhood. Thestories were very difficult to tell, but I am so glad I found the courage to doso. It was liberating.
Lookingback though, I realize I ended the story somewhat abruptly and depressing. I remember being emotionally and physicallydrained after writing and rewriting the story several times until I finally feltcomfortable enough to share some things.
Iwish I thought to include a quote that I love, but thankful for the opportunityto share it here now:
"Reflect upon your present blessings—of which every man has many—not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some.”
—Charles Dickens
This quote is powerful and so spot on! I am so thankful for my health, family and friends, and career that I love. Big thanks also to the entire team at The Style Researcher Magazine for unique awesomeness and positive energy. It keeps me motivated!”

Photographer: PARIS STEWARD @Talltowerphotography
IG: talltowerphotography
Model: TIM BROWN @Timbrownatl
IG: timbrownatl
Wardrobe Credits:
Shirt: H&M @Hm
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