The International Fashion Designer/Tailor Justin Haynes graced the fashion industry with "The Novel Collection .”

The collection pays homage to the artistic journey and story of JUS10H through green, black, white, denim, brown, and a hint of titanium. A color theme; that will bring the audience through fashionable milestones of ambition, growth, and accomplishments.

This artistic story is guaranteed to change how you view fashion and its meaningful purpose over an individual’s life. If life is art in its purest form, it’s fair to say that Justin Haynes has taken apart his canvas and shared pieces of it in every garment he touches.

You can find full runway presentation and photos from NYFW on "”.

Fashion Designer: Justin Haynes
IG: theofficialjus10h
Female Model: Stewella Daville
IG: iamstewelladaville
WB: @Iamstewelladaville
Hair Stylist: Rootuals
IG: rootuals
Set Designer: Jocelyn I Rivera
IG: j_ive_r
Model: Kiajah Spencer
IG: kiajah.laki_
Photographer: Scott Parker Photo
IG: scottparkerphoto
WB: @scottparkerphoto
Female Model: Vanessa Marie @NEMG
IG: vanxssamarie
Creative Director: Andrew Maxwell
IG: mrandrewjmaxwell
Male Model: Myles Jeh
IG: mylesjeh
Makeup Artist: Sassy Frass
IG: sass_fifth_avenue
Hair Stylist: Martine Maxwell
IG: martinegmaxwell
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