The cover story of our issue 16 is „The Raven“. The amazing editorial is created by the American photographer Bill Reid and the internationally published fashion model Miao Jiang. We present to our readers an interview with Bill Reid, in which he shares with us his journey in photography .

Hello Bill. We are very pleased to have you as the cover story for the July issue of The Style Researcher Magazine. Please tell us about you. How long have you been taking photographs?
Hello guys.Happy to be selected as the cover story of the month. My parents gave me myfirst camera at about age five. My friend’s father was a surveyor working inAfrica. We used to spend our school holidays with him and I always took mytrusty Kodak Brownie 127 camera. I’m approaching 70, so it’s been a while.
I’ve always been interested in photography and bought my first SLR when I started working. It was used mainly to document travels, but I wasn’t as passionate as I am today.

How did your interest peak again?
In 2006 mywife and I made a trip back to Africa from California for a family emergency.During the time spent there I photographed wildlife at a game reserve. Thepictures hung on a wall in our house. Friends and relatives, on seeing them,asked why I didn’t pursue photography or have a website.
One eveningafter work, inspired by the work of ‘Humans of New York’, I decided to embark on a projectphotographing and interviewing strangers in the street. Little did I know thatsome strangers would later be strangers no more by asking me to shoot them forprofiles, portfolios etc. The rest is history. I enjoyed this so much that I’vecontinued to photograph people.
What medium/equipment do you use?
CurrentlyI’m a hybrid photographer using film and digital, although I prefer to useolder film cameras where possible.
For digital work I use a Nikon DSLR mostly; for film it varies. I use a variety of 35mm and medium format cameras.

How did you meet Miao Jiang?
I wasfollowing Miao on social media and came across a black and white photo of hertaken either in London or Paris. It had a definite Lindbergh look to it and Icommented that I’d like to do something like that. She agreed.
Our firstshoot was published and whenever we do a project together we submit forpublication. We have a fantastic working relationship.
Which photographers inspire you?
That’s a tough one, since there are so many. Of course Peter Lindbergh is a favorite. Too many others to mention. It seems that on social media I follow a new photographer every day now.

How did the pandemic impact your work?
Due to thefact that we couldn’t go out and shoot face to face I learned how to shootremotely. This method allowed me to work with people all over the world whomI’d never have had the opportunity to shoot with otherwise.
I’ve heardphotographers say that they are not interested in working this way as theythink the pictures look too much like selfies. I disagree, it’s actually a goodexercise for the photographer and model due to the fact that you’re notphysically there. I think it made me a better photographer for when I do shootin person.
Thanks a lot Bill. It has been a pleasure to get to know you. And congratulations on your great work.
Thank you. It has been a pleasure.

Makeup Artist/Hair Stylist: Katie Garza
IG: x_katie_viola_x
Female Model: Miao Jiang @Halvorson Model Management
IG: miaomiao_626
Fashion Designer: [STYLEHOUSE]
IG: stylehousegroup
Photographer: Bill Reid
IG: billreid_photographer
WB: @billreid_photographer
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