This month‘s cover story is dedicated to an artist and stylish gentleman named Tim Brown, who comes up with an editorial shot outdoors and with his charisma, which doesn‘t need any particular photographic studies or particular lighting, because it is inherent in his person.

I have the pleasure of following Tim Brown, his relationship with art and the world of images, and I really appreciate all his work. Proposing in many ways, proposing in many styles, and not least proposing in many ways of being photographed, makes us characters who inspire others. And Tim is one of them, of us. I also love to reinvent myself in my work and propose in 1000 ways. Staying in a castle, which the Latins called „Castrum“, the word meaning to take away the possibility of living life to the fullest, is not nice, and just as you have to get out of the castle to live, you have to get out of the usual photographic schemes to be able to live the art of photography to the fullest. And Tim Brown has the charisma to appreciate it in all its angles.

Model: TIM BROWN @Timbrownatl
IG: timbrownatl
Photographer: TORRENCE BOOKER @Bookthephotographer
IG: bookthephotographer
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