The Style Researcher presents a fascinating editorial titled "The Many Faces of Merlin" by Tjeerd Doosje. The editorial graced the cover of our March issue dedicated to "Art of Fashion". Here we present also a double interview with them! Enjoy.

1. Tell us something about yourself to get to know you a bit better.
@ Merlin Sen: My name is Merlin Sen, I am 13 years old and I live in the Netherlands. I am still learning/college. My hobbies are horseback riding, dancing, modeling.
@ Tjeerd Doosje: I'm Tjeerd Doosje,55 years old and beside a photographer, I'm also a high school mathteacher in the Netherlands. In my spare time I'd like to read (thrillers) and watch movies. I also like to listen to music, especially when I'm editing photos.

2. @Merlin Sen: How and when did you start with your modeling work?
@Tjeerd Doosje: How and when did you start with photography on a (semi)professional basis?
@Merlin Sen: I started my modeling work about 1.5 years ago. Because I wanted something different I went looking on social media and then I thought about becoming a model and I definitely wanted to try if I would like it. Then I went looking for a good photographer and was even asked by other photographers.
@Tjeerd Doosje: The start of my (semi)professional photography was at my highschool, now almost 10 years ago. There was a makeup course where I that I participated in. One girl came every time and with her and her parents we decided to do a more extensive photo shoot at their home. That went so well that Studio Tjeerd actually came into being at that time.

3. How did you two meet/found eachother?
@Merlin Sen: I discovered Mister Tjeerd Doosje on Instagram with other models.Then I contacted him for my first photoshoot.
@Tjeerd Doosje: Merlin found me on Instagram because she saw photos of mine ofother models. She then contacted me via DM and we had a great conversation.Then, after a short period, we made an appointment for our first photoshoot.

4. Can you tell us about the firstphotoshoot you did together?
@Merlin Sen: Yes, of course. I was very nervous and found it very exciting. Ofcourse I was very excited and I couldn't wait to stand in front of the camera.
@Tjeerd Doosje: The first photo shoot was at Merlin's home and such a firstphoto shoot is always exciting: is there a click between the model and myselfas a photographer? It was clear from the very beginning that Merlin was a veryenthusiastic girl who loves the camera. We already took some special photosthen and we wanted more.

5. What was the most memorablephotoshoot (good or bad) you did together?
@Merlin Sen: We did the last photoshoot before Valentine's Day and I reallyenjoyed doing it. It was a lot of fun and I really enjoyed it and the photosturned out beautiful. I'm so proud of it!!
@Tjeerd Doosje: That's hard to tell, because every photo shoot we did togetherhad something special. If I had to choose, I would choose the firstphoto shoot,because that was the beginning of our beautiful collaboration and thereforememorable that I cherish.

5. As we can tell, you've already doneseveral photo shoots together, so their must be a good/strong connectionbetween eachother. Can you tell us what makes this collaboration so specialthat you have worked together so many times before?
@Merlin Sen: That's right, we work together a lot. That's because I like MrTjeerd's work and he is very good at his photography, very accurate. It'salways fun and I feel made for me. That's always important to me.
@Tjeerd Doosje: Yes, you're absolutely right, there is a strong connectionbetween eachother. It has also to do with the person Merlin is: cheerful andlively with a great sense of humor, easygoing and flexible. I already know inadvance that beautiful photos will come out of the photoshoot, no matter whatstyle or theme we have for the photoshoot. As I wrote before, Merlin loves thecamera and vice versa. So shooting with Merlin is always a guarantee tosuccess.

6. Which three things/places do youdefinitely want to do or visit (together)?
@Merlin Sen: We are planning to go to New York together soon. Super excitingand a lot of fun. It would still be nice to visit Milan and Paris. And ofcourse combine the trip with photoshoots.
@Tjeerd Doosje: Our first trip abroad will be The Big Apple (New York) becauseof an international prize we will receive. Milan would be nice, visiting théfashion city of Europe (and maybe visiting your office - wink), as well asBerlin and/or Paris. We also talked about Curacao.

7. From the photos of you that arepublished in this magazine, which one is your favorite and why?
@Merlin Sen: It is very difficult to choose a favorite photo of Mr. Tjeerd.That's because they are beautiful and natural. I like them all and that's why Ichose them for the publication.
@Tjeerd Doosje: That's a tough one, because very photo we made has a storybehind it. In that sense every photo is a favorite because it brings back thosememories. If I'd really had to chose, I would go for Merlin (0907-2) because ofMerlins intense gaze into the camera, which brings out Merlins beautiful, big,bright blue eyes so well.

8. What do you consider your biggestsuccess so far? What are you most proud of?
@Merlin Sen:That is very, very difficult to mention. We've done a lot andworked together. We have done many photo competitions together with greatresults. Also many exhibitions and publications. But the biggest and excitingone is that we're going to New York together soon and I'm allowed to come too.But I am proud of everything from the past 1.5 years. I am proud of everything:big or small success. Everything is beautiful.
@Tjeerd Doosje: That's a hard one to me, because every success we've achievedis something of which I'm very proud of, whether it be highly ranked in aphotocompetition or being exhibited abroad or being published in magazine likeyours. It's something we've done together. Maybe the biggest success is thatwe've found eachother and are able to work together despite the difficult timesof the Covid-pandemic.

9. The theme of this publication is"Art & Fashion". If you had to chose, which one would it be: artor fashion, and why?
@Merlin Sen: That is very difficult because art is completely different and youlook at it differently than fashion. I do a lot of exhibitions together withMr. Tjeerd and there are many Art photo requests. Fashion is somethingdifferent and people look differently at those photos: it is more about what youare wearing. They are also different because of the more extreme and difficult(therefore more tiring) poses. Being a model is not as easy as it seems. Ittakes a lot of time and energy and a lot of creativity and that is usuallyunderestimated. It is hard work together with a photographer. But it is alsovery nice when you later see the beautiful results and beautiful photos.
@Tjeerd Doosje: Fashion is art in itself because of the artistic way designersapproach clothes in general. Taking pictures from a model with the intention offashion, is an artform not every one understands due to the sometimes moreextreme poses a model should take and the clothes a model is wearing."Oldfashioned" art (fine-art) is more easygoing for the majority of people.To me it's about the vibe a photo radiates: does it move me as a viewer.Writing this down makes me realise I cannot chose: I like both just because ofthe differences.

10. What's your favorite style (todress)?
@Merlin Sen: It's really different. I like sports much more but I think that itstill depends on my age. But a beautiful dress is always nice. Still, I like towear regular jeans and a t-shirt nice and easy.
@Tjeerd Doosje: I interpret this more what I like to capture in a photo. Iguess a lot of photographers have this in common that I like a model to wearany piece of headgear because it's a nice prop a model can interact with. Thiscan be part of a fashionlike photoshoot or a more casual photoshoot as well.

11. Which model/photographer is yourrole model/inspires you and why?
@Merlin Sen: I would like and hope that I can do a professional modeling job.It's just a lot of fun work and I like being in front of the camera. I like abit of attention so it really suits me. I get the inspiration from many otherprofessional models like Gigi, so beautiful and professional but at the sametime just nice girl.
@Tjeerd Doosje: To me Lindsay Adler is a photographer that truly inspires me,because of the way she shapes light and the way she lifts fashion photographyto the next level. I had the pleasure of meeting her in person and attending aworkshop with her. What struck me the most was that she has such a pleasantpersonality and has managed to keep it that way, despite the fact that she isfamous in the world of fashion photography.

12. What's your goal for, say, the nextfive years?
@Merlin Sen: The coming period will therefore be very hard work. Register withthe modeling agencies. And of course many photo shoots to get even better andprofessional. I'm still exploring everything so I keep busy with everythingthat interests me in modeling work. Still a long way to go but to do everythingwith pleasure.
@Tjeerd Doosje: That's a difficult one, since I'm already in the midst fifties(of age) and within five years I'm already in the sixties. My main goal wouldbe still having pleasure in photographing, continuing working with Merlin andother models on a regular basis.

13. When do you think you've made it asa model/photographer, that you've reached your ultimate goal?
@Merlin Sen: I personally think when you have a big assignment to stop. Butthat's not all, because that's when everything really starts and then you haveto show your professionalism and yourself from the best side and that is hardwork. So I don't think you ever reach your goal; what you need is tocontinuously develop as a model. But I think that counts for every profession.
@Tjeerd Doosje: I guess you can always raise the bar to a higher level andtherefore the ultimate goal cannot be achieved, but is something you have topursue. Thinking you've reached the ultimate goal hold you back in growing.

14. When not a model/photographer, Iwould be:
@Merlin Sen: If I weren't a model, then I know for sure, I choose to become aveterinarian. I like them so much. I have a thing for animals since I waslittle. I am not afraid of any animal and I really like them. That seems likethe perfect profession for me.
@Tjeerd Doosje: That's an easy one for me: being a (math)teacher.

15. What would be your advice to a newand aspiring model?
@Merlin Sen: That you have to enjoy the work you choose to be a model, and ofcourse work hard. If you do your profession with love and radiate it, you willgo the farthest. Never start on things that you don't support 100% yourself. Becausethat never works out.
@Tjeerd Doosje: Chose people around you that support you, where you feelcomfortable with, including photographers. You're a person, not a number.Follow your dreams despite what others think or say about you. Believe in yourself,see setbacks as a means of growth and beside all: have fun in doing modeling!

That was my pleasure to answer allquestions for you. I really liked it. Thank you for your interview andbeautiful publication.

Merlin Sen from Netherlands

I agree with Merlin: this interview wasnice to do. Thank you for the beautiful publication: it's a honor being in yourfantastic magazine.

With kind regards,
Tjeerd Doosje (Studio Tjeerd), the Netherlands

Photo shot at the models home.Model: Merlin Sen

Photographer: Tjeerd Doosje
IG: studiotjeerd

Wardrobe Stylist: Rosalie Boonstra
IG: rosalieboonstra

Model: Merlin Sen
IG: xxmerlin_senx

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