What’s the meaning of style?

Hello guys,In this days there was a big discussion between journalists and bloggers. Journalists were mainly saying bloggers can be fake, can be worse dressed, can be with no style.Bloggers were mainly saying that journalists are just really scared of the power that the bloggers are having and getting, all over the world, influencing tons of guys and girls who are following them.In such a bad atmosphere, i was at the Milano Fashion Week and now i’m gonna be in another important fashion week in the US, and i would like to express my thought:i was talking to some journalists and bloggers and some of them have a great difficulty to smile and to be talkative, and a great difficulty to have an open soul with everyone, also with people who are acting very kindly to them. They try to discuss and discuss about style, thinking how good they are and how big knowledge they have about fashion. In the meantime, out of the rich palaces where the shows are, there are other simple people, sometimes with hard lives, but full of smiles and humanity, just being cute with everyone deeply in their hearts, and i can say sometimes pretty cool dressed.So my question is: which ones have more style? Real and inner style? Inside or outside the shows? In the front rows or just standing?What’s the meaning of style? Is it possible to have style and to be at the same time a bad face, rude to everyone?I think we all and a lot of people in front rows, have to learn a lot, before talking about style.The meaning of style has to be reinvented.The Style ResearcherModel: Raffaele Tommaso Rossi @raffo_red


Details from @luciovanotti


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