The Opinion is a space curated by Raimondo Rossi, A.K.A. Ray Morrison, recognized internationally in the field of fashion and photography. Here, you’ll find reflections that explore the connections between fashion, photography, art, and the emotions of the human soul, or insights on events we’ve attended, where Raimondo has taken us behind the scenes into spaces inaccessible to the general public.

The focus is always on seeking something that transcends external style, aiming instead to respect and enhance an inner elegance—an idea reflected in The Style Researcher, a term coined by Raimondo in 2014. In the early years, he was even internationally identified by this acronym, The Style Researcher, which gradually evolved into his blog and later into a select group of passionate individuals interested in culture and the world. Over time, it further transformed into this online magazine.

This space also includes explorations of certain films that may have been dismissed by the majority of critics as low-quality. However, Raimondo offers a fresh perspective, uncovering elements within these films that deserve to be appreciated and highlighted (or flipping the perspective when needed).

Fashion, Designers, Fashion Shows, Art Raimondo Rossi Fashion, Designers, Fashion Shows, Art Raimondo Rossi

La Magia di “For The Stars Fashion House” al “The Los Angeles Fashion Show”

Jacob Meir, il genio creativo di For The Stars Fashion House, ha fatto brillare le passerelle del "The Los Angeles Fashion Show" nel settembre 2023. Celebrità come Nicki Minaj, Paris Hilton, e Jennifer Lopez hanno indossato le sue creazioni, testimoniando la sua straordinaria abilità nel trasformare tessuti preziosi in opere d'arte indossabili. Durante l'evento, Jacob è stato onorato con una proclamazione ufficiale dello Stato della California, riconoscendo il suo straordinario contributo alla moda. La serata è stata impreziosita dalla presenza di ospiti illustri come April Sutton, Mame Toucouler Mbaye e Kelly Anne Alexander, che hanno reso l'evento indimenticabile con il loro stile e la loro eleganza.

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Cinema, Culture, The Opinion Raimondo Rossi Cinema, Culture, The Opinion Raimondo Rossi

"Haunting of The Queen Mary" Review: An Unforgettable Journey Through History, Love, and Suspense

Director Gary Shore's chilling masterpiece, "Haunting of The Queen Mary," takes audiences on an unforgettable voyage, seamlessly weaving together three interlocking tales of past and present. With a deft touch, Shore immerses us in the opulent world of the RMS Queen Mary, expertly conjuring its historical significance and eerie ambiance. The carefully chosen music amplifies every emotion, while the absence of breaks keeps us on the edge of our seats, craving resolution until the final heart-pounding moments. As the film explores interconnected worlds of tarot cards, folk beliefs, and the enduring ties that span generations, it resonates deeply, serving up food for thought. Anchored by outstanding performances, especially from Alice Eve and Joel Fry, and enhanced by captivating cinematography and authentic costumes, this film is a spine-tingling experience that beautifully captures the powerful love a mother holds for her children.

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Art, Works Raimondo Rossi Art, Works Raimondo Rossi


“Two” is a tribute to love, which takes life in so many different and amazing ways. Ray and the models Miriam and Federica, also a couple in the daily life, gave shape, through the camera, to images that highlight the pureness of the feelings, typical of the relationships of love. One of Ray’s priorities is to give us images where everything goes beyond the locations, the models or the moments captured in the shots. And in this collection, we can see Miriam and Federica, but at the same time we see what invisible line lives in them and in all of us, as well as in all the human beings who will be born in future or ever had life in past.

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Backstages, Works Raimondo Rossi Backstages, Works Raimondo Rossi


As probably each and everyone of you are probably aware, since the first ever fashion shows the importance of choosing the right models to present the collections is fundamental.

Even if people say that in Paris already back in the nineteenth century there were the first examples of catwalks, it’s from the beginning of this century that in New York City the shows started to be well organised, and after years, in Italy too.

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