Welcome to our exclusive interview with photographer Charlton Corson. Known for his captivating images and artistic vision, Charlton has made a name for himself in the world of photography. Today, we delve into his journey, exploring how his career blossomed from a simple hobby to a fulfilling profession. We also get a glimpse into Charlton’s early work, his evolution as a photographer, and his favorite aspects of his craft. Join us as we uncover his inspirations, aspirations, and even a personal secret that he’s ready to share with our readers.

Hello Charlton, would you love to tell us about the beginning of your career?

It started first as a hobby and then as I gained more skills, equipment and experiences it grew into a rewarding career.

Tell us about your first work.

My first paying gig was taking high school senior portraits. I was referred from a client to meet an amazing senior and family.

How did your work evolve in time?

My work evolved over time through taking photography meetups, clubs, and events. In addition, to meeting different artists and photographers and learning new tips, and skills.

In this specific editorial, what do you love the most?

Collaborating with the model, trying different poses, looks, and outfits for a classical look

Are there some other artists that you would love to work with?

Lindsay Adler, Henri Cartier-Bresson, Guy Bourdin, and Augusto De Luca

Have you ever been to Italy?


A personal question, what is your favorite country/city?

Florence (Firenze)

Love or fame?


What is your relationship with fashion and what is your favorite style?

My relationship with fashion is respect, appreciation, and admiration, and my favorite style is classical looks.

Tell us a secret that you’re ready to share with our readers.

I enjoy watching the TV show Project Runway

Photographer: Charlton Corson

IG: charlton.edward.studios

Model: Will Whitworth

IG: wwhhiittwwoorrtthh

Set Designer: HORRID | Denver’s Horror Shop

IG: horridmag


