Safiya Zaitova photographed the fascinating actress Wilma Elles for this amazing editorial. We are very happy to present to our readers an exclusive interview with the star, in which she replied to all our questions about everything from fashion to cinema.

Wilma Elles, a German actress and model born on the 18th of October 1986, started her career in Turkish films and series and became a great success. İnspite of being a foreigner and neglecting all the stereotypes about Turkish show business Wilma made it through all the difficulties right to the top. And here she is now a celebrity, model, cinema and theatre actress, TV presenter, and even popular designer.

Wilma Elles has got Turkish citizenship and tributes a lot to overspreading the culture and tradition of Turkish cinema in the world. She was granted the best woman actress with the European Quality Award in 2011 and the World Consumer Award in 2012. After this, she got different awards as best actress plenty more times.

Wilma Elles was the first who created Feng Shui collection for ADL brand in Turkey and she was captured on many magazine covers in Turkey and abroad.

Mother of two daughters Wilma Elles is also known for her passion for history, politics, and culture studies. She graduated from the Department of Politics at the University of Cologne with the first rank in Islamic Sciences. By the way, Wilma is fluent in German, English, French and Turkish and played English and French native speakers in her movies.

Wilma Elles is a bright personality and stands as a great example of the strong, self-sufficient woman in modern Turkish cultural life and society.


Hello Wilma and welcome to The Style Researcher. We love you and your style, and we are extremely happy to have you here with us. Can you please begin by telling us about the project you’re currently working on?

Hi! So honored, thank you! I just took part in a Netflix series I’m very excited about. Today I’m going to Berlin for the gala of the cinema movie I play the female lead role in. The name of the movie is Sem Duhl- Die Wiederkehr. The following day I’m going to record a song, and then I’m going to Paris to host the show “Avrupa bin Yıldızları” for TV8 int. Three days later I’m going to Izmir for a press meeting, then the next day I’m going to Baku Azerbaycan for an opening. So plenty of things to do. Thanks God.

What was the driving force that made you who you are today?

I always knew what I wanted to do and I told everyone that I wanted to be an actress or an ambassador when I was 4 years old. I always say that I didn’t choose my dream it was put into my mind by a higher force, so I trust into my dreams to the fullest and go after them without hesitance.

How does it feel to live in three countries at the same time?

At the beginning I was a little bit worried how my kids would take it but now I met many people who also live in more than one country at the same time and they all love it. It is amazing to experience the best of each culture.

What century you would name as best dressed people?

Definitely not our century as the fashion of tights and T-Shirt plus sports shoes is not very fancy compared to the incredible dresses they were wearing during the Louis Quatorze period. I am sure that after this very minimal fashion of today we will have kind of those dresses again soon.

What do you think of cinema industry today?

Sometimes when I go into the cinema I just think I know the ending of the story already when I see the first 15 minutes. That’s why I appreciate especially very courageous story book writers and directors who can surprise us with news stories turns.

If you could pick a theme song to describe where your life is at right now what song would you choose?

Even if there are many difficulties to overcome in life I always believe in the magic that’s going to happen sooner or later so I’ll believe that theme song should be “It’s Magic you know” by Pilot.

What inspires you the most?

It inspires me when somebody is completely passioned about doing something and I can take over the excitement. So I always tell people it makes me the happiest if they do what makes them happy and not that they do with half-blood what makes me happy.

As a kid what did you want to be when you grow up?

I always wanted to be an actress or an Ambassador because my goal was to experience the most and have the feeling of living 100 lives in one only life.

What’s the favorite piece of clothing that you own?

I admit it’s a little black dress every woman has in her closet.

Do you have any hidden talents that people don’t know about yet?

I guess so, I hope so and I’m still developing and learning everyday so soon I will come up with my new me. For example I think I can be very funny and I still didn’t have the opportunity to show it to the fullest and many more things.

What do you think of the cinema industry today?

I’m very happy that the world is uniting at least in the field of culture. There are many International productions and when you board an airplane you can enjoy a variation of movies of the whole world. This is wonderful because I think all the artists are in the heart already world citizens.

What incident is the worst wardrobe malfunction you have ever had?

This question is very easy to answer for me. So, we had a very physical act on stage in theater and incredibly my very tight jeans popped up in the back. I just behaved as if nothing special had happened and I moved to the side smiling and continuing to dance and disappeared backstage where I changed my trousers quickly and returned to the stage.

What is the most memorable and exciting thing you have ever seen in your field?

That’s exactly what I wanted to say. I think the most important task art should have is showing new perspectives on the life we are used to. I think my favorite director is still Stanley Kubrick. I appreciate very courageous story book writers and directors who can surprise us with news stories turns.

Thank you very much Wilma. It was a real pleasure to get to know you better. We wish you the best in your life and your amazing career.

Thank you very much. It has been a pleasure for me too.

Photographer: Safiya Zaitova

IG: safiyazaitova

WB: @safiyazaitova

Retoucher: Olga Demakova

IG: ollydemakova

Wardrobe Stylist: Olga Kalemci

IG: olgakalemci

Hair Stylist: Atakan Gelisli

IG: atakangelisli

Makeup Artist: Angie Seli

IG: angieselii

Model: Wilma Elles

IG: wilmaelles1

Videographer: Ahmet Kosef

IG: ahmetkosefotograf

Dress Tuğçe Özkaynak

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