We present here a sneak peek of the "Ipek Filiz Yazici" editorial published in our printed issue “Art of Fashion”. Lena Güleç photographed the fascinating Turkish actress İpek Filiz Yalçın for The Style Researcher Magazine. We are very happy to present to our readers an exclusive interview by Dilay Seçkin with the star.

What kind of family did you grow up in? What would you like to say about those days?

I grew up in a loving family. I was the first grandchild of both of my grandparents. That's why I can say that I was a bit spoiled:) I had a perfect childhood. I played games on the street with my neighborhood friends and my knees were all in bruises. There were times when I lost my sense of reality by diving into different worlds with my barbie dolls at home. I was blessed to have enough of everything.

What professions were among your future dreams when you were a child?

I wanted to become an interior designer since the time at elementary school to high school period. But at the last minute life gave me another path.

How did you decide to become an actor? How did you get on this road?

Since I was a baby, I have already started to act in small commercials. But it was with ‘Love 101’ when I said clearly 'I belong here'. Before that, I was thinking of acting as a hobby, not as a profession. We can say that this project changed my destiny.

You got your first job at a very young age. What do you think about it?

I think it is an extremely advantageous and privileged situation to experience this at a young age and decide what I want and what I don't want, since we make our lives the way we want with the experiences we have had.

For an actress, each new character means a new journey. I am sure that each of the characters you play adds something to your personality. How does it feel to see life from another character's perspective?

Certainly. Since my empathy is very intensive, I can guess what other characters are going through without difficulty. For me, this experience is very enjoyable. You get the chance to look at life from different perspectives, and you get the chance to be in a completely different world with a totally new personality.

You returned to the screens with the new TV series 'The Fire Within'. How did you feel when the script first came to you? What impressed you the most?

Yes, it is a very enjoyable project. Frankly, one of the things that impressed me the most when I first read it was that the story of each character was in a very beautiful place. I thought that the sweet rivalries for a common purpose of such different characters would attract the attention of the audience. And of course, one of the aspects I liked was that it was different from a classic summer series.

You give life to the character of Hale in the series. Can you tell us a little bit about Hale?

Hale is a very successful woman in crisis management, she is extremely intelligent and can say anything without hesitation. She has a purpose in life: first to save herself and then her mother from the care of her stepfather. For this, she needs to achieve financial freedom. Her adventure with her friends from Yener&Tan Law Firm, where she started her so-awaited career as a lawyer as an intern will push her to another point in her life. We will see together the continuing of this story:)

You are doing a job that is very tiring and requires long working hours. Are you mentally tired? How do you relax after a busy set day?

We work at a very intense pace, with high energy and long hours a week. Of course, we have the sweet tiredness of doing what we love. Mentally and physically, I feel very peaceful at home. Spending time with my friends and family is something that motivates me the most.

Being famous, acting, magazine shootings… Do you feel that the world you live in has places that contradict the naturalness of life? Can you live your life as it comes naturally?

To tell the truth it is something that is entirely in one's own hands. You either stay natural or show people something else by pretending. Of course, I prefer to remain natural. Since I prefer this, I have not encountered situations that contradict this. I continue living my life naturally because otherwise, I would be doing myself a great disservice.

How would you describe your style? What do you pay most attention to when choosing clothes?

I guess I can't describe my style accurately. I wear whatever suits me. My mood usually affects my clothes. I think the most important thing is to dress according to body proportions.

What is your hair and skincare routine?

I usually have a keratin treatment applied to my hair every two months at my hairdresser. Besides that, I try to not change shampoos very often.
I also go for skin care once a month. I use moisturizers and serums suitable for my skin type :) I also love different facial masks.

What is the easiest formula for happiness for you?

Peace. Being with the people I love in the environments where I am at peace is my greatest and easiest source of happiness.

Actor: Ipek Filiz Yazıcı
IG: ipekkyazici

Photographer/Creative Director: Lena Güleç @G production
IG: lena.gulec

Accessory Designer: Kristal Accessories
IG: kristal_ankara

Fashion Designer: Cihan Nacar
IG: cihan.nacar

Agency: Neşe Çakır
IG: nesecakir

Hair Stylist: Erdem Sucu
IG: erdemhairdresser

Wardrobe Stylist/Fashion Show Producer: Olga Kalemci
IG: olgakalemci
WB: http://www.olgakalemci.com

Publication: Zişan Seçkin
IG: zisanseckin

Fashion Designer: Haleia
IG: haleia

Info: Dilay Seçkin
IG: dilaysjoker

Retoucher: Veronika Kruchina
IG: veronika_kruchina

Videographer: Orkhan Jabbarov
IG: khanjabbar_

Agency: Boreal Brandlifting
IG: boreal.brandlifting

Makeup Artist: Neşe Kaya
IG: makeupnesekaya

Fashion Designer: Zala Alpaslan
IG: zalaalpaslan

Location: Double Tree by Hilton Topkapi
IG: doubletreeistanbultopkapi

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